Wednesday, August 15, 2007


I like the movie, My Big Fat Greek Wedding because I understand how Toula felt about her wedding. Even after the church marriage, before she gets to the reception hall, she still wants to go off somewhere. I just don’t feel the hype about weddings and would like to avoid it… if that is possible. Someone called it wedding jitters…but how can you get jitters when you don’t have the wedding hype. As I am required to have a wedding, I want it to be very quite and nice but it not that simple because there are too many people and factors to consider. I know that most women are groomed to dream about their wedding day... but I feel differently. Yes it is significant but it is just one of the many things that God has in store for life. I don’t like the hype about it anyway. As far as I am concerned, marriage is what matters most and boy do I want to get married!!! There is a general attitude and belief in Nigeria that people who go to a registry or court have something to hide. I however believe that that kind of marriage is usually quite. Getting married is about what you and your partner wants. I believe that you should show respect to your family especially your folks but sometimes it is just so exhausting. Another reason why I find weddings boring and such a waste of time is because of the general bandwagon approach and tradition. It is so usual that I just want it to be done and over with so that one can move on to more interesting things like life and marriage.

1 comment:

olabisi said...

Yep, you ARE kinda weird about that! Okay, maybe we dont want a million people at our wedding, but every girl loves to have a nice romantic do. Even now, I get annoyed about the things that went wrong at my wedding......wish I'd bought artificial flowers for the bouquet and the church. The other day I saw Lizzy in JUTH. I forced myself to greet her. She messed up that part of my idyllic wedding. Still, I love the rave reviews about my gown and the cake and people still talk about that day. Now, tell me how can you possibly want some painfully small Gretna Green type of wedding?